A platform to listen why the other side of an argument found themselves there. Current issues, politics, morals, values.
This blog is meant to be a platform to see other perspectives. It is imperative that we not attack each other, but listen from a truly inquisitive perspective. If you're looking to speak before you think, judge without considering, or bait people to get your points across, this platform is not for you. We must keep an open mind if we expect to elicit change. Please comment with articulate analysis. One worded and inflammatory responses, or dismissal of anyone's opinions without explanation doesn't help anyone see your perspective.
This blog is a collection of other people’s opinions, which I’d like to offer as a starting point for discourse. These are not my opinions, but things that have provoked passionate conversations in their communities, and I present them to you to gain different perspectives on the current state of affairs.
This blog is a collection of other people’s opinions, which I’d like to offer as a starting point for discourse. These are not my opinions, but things that have provoked passionate conversations in their communities, and I present them to you to gain different perspectives on the current state of affairs.
This blog won't permit any form of bigotry. Bigoted language includes, but is not limited to, slurs based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. If you encounter Bigotry please consider the power of speaking to the author in a manner that may illuminate them before shaming them.
Creating a place where mistakes can be learned from is one of the driving forces behind this blog.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
How Could You? 19 Questions to Ask Loved Ones Who Voted the Other Way
How Could You? 19 Questions to Ask Loved Ones Who Voted the Other Way
1. Describe your relationship to me.
2. Are we close?
3. Who did I vote for and why?
4. What was the most important issue for me?
5. Why do you feel differently about that issue?
6. How do you think our views came to be so different?
7. Has it been difficult to talk to me about this election? If so, why?
8. Do my views influence your politics at all?
9. What do you think most needs to change about this country?
10. Are you uncomfortable about any aspect of how America is changing?
11. Do you think I’m sexist or racist?
12. Do you feel ignored or misunderstood as a voter? If so, for how long?
13. What is a position my candidate held that you agree with?
14. What is a trait you find positive about my candidate?
15. What is something that you don’t like about the candidate you voted for?
16. Is there anything you are hopeful about in a Trump presidency?
17. Is there a goal Clinton talked about that you could get behind?
18. What do you think we agree on?
19. Do you still like me?
The questions:
1. Describe your relationship to me.
2. Are we close?
3. Who did I vote for and why?
4. What was the most important issue for me?
5. Why do you feel differently about that issue?
6. How do you think our views came to be so different?
7. Has it been difficult to talk to me about this election? If so, why?
8. Do my views influence your politics at all?
9. What do you think most needs to change about this country?
10. Are you uncomfortable about any aspect of how America is changing?
11. Do you think I’m sexist or racist?
12. Do you feel ignored or misunderstood as a voter? If so, for how long?
13. What is a position my candidate held that you agree with?
14. What is a trait you find positive about my candidate?
15. What is something that you don’t like about the candidate you voted for?
16. Is there anything you are hopeful about in a Trump presidency?
17. Is there a goal Clinton talked about that you could get behind?
18. What do you think we agree on?
19. Do you still like me?
What you can do: Banks + Businesses - Is your money more important than your vote?
One of the major blindspots I see in our current US perspective is that so many people express the view that they're unhappy with the way that major corporations play govern their economy. These corporations displace our economy to foreign soil. They selfishly raise prices on pharmaceuticals, oil, and other commodities that have become modern necessities. They show no conscious when supporting a financial investment over human rights.
This issue is one of the most multi-partisan shared concerns, and yet...
...we fail to recognize that everyday we earn money and spend money callously supporting the value of these institutions. Every time you work for any employer you are an employee of all their decisions. Every time you spend your money, every cent, you have the ability to think where that money is going. I would argue that your personal choices with money have a larger effect on the outcome of this country's future than any of your votes.
What banks finance your employer?
Where does your employer purchase their supplies?
Who are you supporting when you buy groceries, gas, shoes, cars, clothes, restaurants, legal/illegal drugs?
Are you willing to displace your own comforts to support these offenses you so passionately argue are rights everyone deserves?
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This issue is one of the most multi-partisan shared concerns, and yet...
...we fail to recognize that everyday we earn money and spend money callously supporting the value of these institutions. Every time you work for any employer you are an employee of all their decisions. Every time you spend your money, every cent, you have the ability to think where that money is going. I would argue that your personal choices with money have a larger effect on the outcome of this country's future than any of your votes.
What banks finance your employer?
Where does your employer purchase their supplies?
Who are you supporting when you buy groceries, gas, shoes, cars, clothes, restaurants, legal/illegal drugs?
Are you willing to displace your own comforts to support these offenses you so passionately argue are rights everyone deserves?
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- Is your bank funding the Dakota Access Pipeline? Time to find a new bank?
- Who's banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline
- Why do we know so little about human rights violations
- Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft accused of 'worst forms' of child labor abuse
- Landmark Human Rights Complaint Lodged Against World's Worst Polluters
- Amnesty International website's page on corporate accountability
- Amnesty International website's page on businesses and human rights
Credit Union Search Site
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Stumped: How does anyone rationalize racist/sexist language in leaders and claim they're not supporting racism/sexism?
How does anyone rationalize racist/sexist language in leaders and claim they're not supporting racism/sexism?
I am unable to answer this question, because I cannot rationalize how someone who claims to not support racism/sexism can vote for someone who has publicly made racist/sexist comments.
Yet, there are marginalized and minority community members who have voted for leaders that are directly related to racism/sexism and racists/sexists comments.
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I am unable to answer this question, because I cannot rationalize how someone who claims to not support racism/sexism can vote for someone who has publicly made racist/sexist comments.
Yet, there are marginalized and minority community members who have voted for leaders that are directly related to racism/sexism and racists/sexists comments.
- Can we find some of these people in our own communities to make us understand how they answer this question?
- Can you submit examples of media that are fact-checked and accurate examples of how people rationalize this question?
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Are you responsible when you spread information?
Bernie Sanders Could Replace President Trump With Little-Known Loophole
How do we combat this problem? Easy, we have to do some work. While I could give a long dissertation on what exactly that means, no one has the patience to read it all, so here are five quick steps that’ll fit in a meme…
1. Read first. Then share. I myself am guilty of basing comments or even clicking share based on the headline. This is the worst thing any of us could do. Stop being lazy.
2. Check the source (and their sources). In the age of new media true and valid information comes from non-traditional sources but so does a lot of garbage. Any article that posts facts, figures or quotes should provide a source for that information. If there is no backup for their claims, move on.
3. Watch out for recycled stories. One thing that seems to be feeding into the misinformation problem is when old stories are being presented as happening now. Check the date on the story before you read on. You’ll be shocked to see how many are from another time and aren’t applicable to the current event you thought they were talking about.
4. If you care about facts, ignore the blatantly slanted. Having a slant or taking a position on a story is not wrong in itself. What is wrong is when these ideas are taken as unbiased fact. You can avoid all of this by simply avoiding those sites to start with. Any website with the words: Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, etc. in the title are just advertising how slanted they are. That’s ok if you choose to live in your side’s bubble but please don’t have any delusions that these stories reflect the whole picture.
5. Google it. God (and Sergey) gave us Google for a reason. If you see a story that’s unbelievable or has no sources or even if it does, verify. See if the same facts are reported across multiple outlets. See if anyone disputes these facts. Read these pieces and then make up your mind.
If we could all take these simple steps our society would be a better place. We all have opinions and leanings. There is nothing wrong with that but could we at least all come from a starting point based on facts and reality?
The truth is, sharing illogical things begins to erode YOUR credibility and it makes you look foolish. Trust me, I speak from experience.
Now go share this, please.
The most important thing in a functional society is a well-informed public. What we have now is not only uninformed but misinformed masses.
How do we combat this problem? Easy, we have to do some work. While I could give a long dissertation on what exactly that means, no one has the patience to read it all, so here are five quick steps that’ll fit in a meme…
1. Read first. Then share. I myself am guilty of basing comments or even clicking share based on the headline. This is the worst thing any of us could do. Stop being lazy.
2. Check the source (and their sources). In the age of new media true and valid information comes from non-traditional sources but so does a lot of garbage. Any article that posts facts, figures or quotes should provide a source for that information. If there is no backup for their claims, move on.
3. Watch out for recycled stories. One thing that seems to be feeding into the misinformation problem is when old stories are being presented as happening now. Check the date on the story before you read on. You’ll be shocked to see how many are from another time and aren’t applicable to the current event you thought they were talking about.
4. If you care about facts, ignore the blatantly slanted. Having a slant or taking a position on a story is not wrong in itself. What is wrong is when these ideas are taken as unbiased fact. You can avoid all of this by simply avoiding those sites to start with. Any website with the words: Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, etc. in the title are just advertising how slanted they are. That’s ok if you choose to live in your side’s bubble but please don’t have any delusions that these stories reflect the whole picture.
5. Google it. God (and Sergey) gave us Google for a reason. If you see a story that’s unbelievable or has no sources or even if it does, verify. See if the same facts are reported across multiple outlets. See if anyone disputes these facts. Read these pieces and then make up your mind.
If we could all take these simple steps our society would be a better place. We all have opinions and leanings. There is nothing wrong with that but could we at least all come from a starting point based on facts and reality?
The truth is, sharing illogical things begins to erode YOUR credibility and it makes you look foolish. Trust me, I speak from experience.
Now go share this, please.
Monday, November 14, 2016
What is being said #4: British comedian John Oliver didn’t mince words in his response to the victory last week of US president-elect Donald Trump.
“How the fuck did we get here?” he asked on his HBO show, Last Week Tonight, on Nov. 13. “And what the fuck do we do now?”
Then Oliver went on to offer some answers the latter question:
Then Oliver went on to offer some answers the latter question:
Is any media trustworthy?
There is a ton of Propaganda on the internet. One might say that all media is currently Propaganda.
So how do we best learn the truth?
Can we trust any media?
Where do you get your news from?
Do you consider that your views are being recorded by network analytics and you only see media that reflects what you already believe?
Do you realize this happens heavily on either side of the idealogical spectrum?
Do you think that media needs a new independent voice?
How can we find a voice for truth when in a world of strong beliefs?
An Indian Sikh man analyzes Propoganda against Trump in 'DISHONEST ANTI-DONALD TRUMP PROPAGANDA EXPOSED'
Propaganda on both sides of the election
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So how do we best learn the truth?
Can we trust any media?
Where do you get your news from?
Do you consider that your views are being recorded by network analytics and you only see media that reflects what you already believe?
Do you realize this happens heavily on either side of the idealogical spectrum?
Do you think that media needs a new independent voice?
How can we find a voice for truth when in a world of strong beliefs?
An Indian Sikh man analyzes Propoganda against Trump in 'DISHONEST ANTI-DONALD TRUMP PROPAGANDA EXPOSED'
Propaganda on both sides of the election
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- Conservative websites media bubble
- The blind leading the blind
- My ‘fake news list’ went viral. But made-up stories are only part of the problem.
What is being said #3: Pie thinks he knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump...and you're not going to like it!
Jonathan Pie gives his opinion on How and Why Trump won the election. I'd love to hear your critical analysis of some of his points.
What is being said #2: How do we support Marginalized groups?
The following links lead to articles that revolve around the support of Marginalized groups. Please refer to the article you're speaking of in your replies for clarity.
Article #1: So you want to wear a Safety Pin?
Article #2: Dear white people, your Safety Pins are embarrassing
Article #3: How to easily be a white ally to marginalized groups
Article #1: So you want to wear a Safety Pin?
Article #2: Dear white people, your Safety Pins are embarrassing
Article #3: How to easily be a white ally to marginalized groups
Sunday, November 13, 2016
What is being said #1
Please read and reply to this post with your thoughts regarding these opinions I've found on the internet:
"This could have ALL been avoided if the left didn't abandon the values of classic liberalism (freedom of speech, thought, association...etc) to take on this new cancerous neo-progressive identity politics. How to stop Trump:
STOP, for the LOVE of GOD, STOP peddling identity politics. Trump voters – working class people – despise it. They know what you’re doing – it’s obvious.
STOP treating ethnicity, gender, sexuality and religion as a proxy for class warfare; you are trying to displace them by creating a new under-class and stoking ethnocentrism, gynocentrism and tribalism for the purpose of manufacturing a new electorate and a globalist governance that NO-ONE wants.
STOP speaking about groups, start speaking about individuals (you know, actual liberalism).
Stop polarizing ALL debate. Just because you aren’t rabidly pro-feminism, it doesn’t make you a misogynist. Just because you aren’t rabidly in favor of the EU, it doesn’t make you a fascist. Just because you don’t support black lives matter, it doesn’t make you a white supremacist. Just because you don’t support SSM, it doesn’t make you a homophobe.
STOP pushing mass third world immigration for the purposes of creating a new electorate that will vote for you in the future. They know what you’re doing. Every group in US is opposed to mass third world immigration that further depresses wages down and decreases social cohesion. Even Hispanics are opposed to mass immigration, and are more conservative – on a policy basis – and religious than white males.
STOP preaching cultural relativism; if you oppose something for one identity, oppose it for ALL identities. Murder doesn’t suddenly become more acceptable because the perpetrator is Islamic; sexism doesn’t become more acceptable because the perpetrator is female; racism doesn’t become more acceptable because the hatred is being spewed at white men.
Get it? Until all of this STOPS, until we start to assign rights and responsibilities at the level of the individual and not the group, until all of the incessant shaming, self-loathing and guilt-tripping subsides, this will get infinitely worse."
- Reddit User
"This could have ALL been avoided if the left didn't abandon the values of classic liberalism (freedom of speech, thought, association...etc) to take on this new cancerous neo-progressive identity politics. How to stop Trump:
STOP, for the LOVE of GOD, STOP peddling identity politics. Trump voters – working class people – despise it. They know what you’re doing – it’s obvious.
STOP treating ethnicity, gender, sexuality and religion as a proxy for class warfare; you are trying to displace them by creating a new under-class and stoking ethnocentrism, gynocentrism and tribalism for the purpose of manufacturing a new electorate and a globalist governance that NO-ONE wants.
STOP speaking about groups, start speaking about individuals (you know, actual liberalism).
Stop polarizing ALL debate. Just because you aren’t rabidly pro-feminism, it doesn’t make you a misogynist. Just because you aren’t rabidly in favor of the EU, it doesn’t make you a fascist. Just because you don’t support black lives matter, it doesn’t make you a white supremacist. Just because you don’t support SSM, it doesn’t make you a homophobe.
STOP pushing mass third world immigration for the purposes of creating a new electorate that will vote for you in the future. They know what you’re doing. Every group in US is opposed to mass third world immigration that further depresses wages down and decreases social cohesion. Even Hispanics are opposed to mass immigration, and are more conservative – on a policy basis – and religious than white males.
STOP preaching cultural relativism; if you oppose something for one identity, oppose it for ALL identities. Murder doesn’t suddenly become more acceptable because the perpetrator is Islamic; sexism doesn’t become more acceptable because the perpetrator is female; racism doesn’t become more acceptable because the hatred is being spewed at white men.
Get it? Until all of this STOPS, until we start to assign rights and responsibilities at the level of the individual and not the group, until all of the incessant shaming, self-loathing and guilt-tripping subsides, this will get infinitely worse."
- Reddit User
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Day 1: What can I do?
These are the first words I wrote on Facebook after succumbing to the reality that we just elected Donald Trump.
I have to be honest with myself and I hope everyone can be as well. These are questions I must ask myself:
If we spend most of our lives calling our political system a fallacy, why would we expect it to succeed when we want it to?
If we spend most of our lives taking little political action, why would we expect it to succeed when we want it to?
If we spend most of our time being active on social media instead being active in politics, why are we surprised that there is such a large disparity between our social views and our political outcomes?
Logic leads me to believe that things can only change when the amount of effort put into it necessitates change, not when we want it to be that way.
Are we going to take action for a difference tomorrow or hope for a difference tomorrow?
What am I, you, we doing that is going to change tomorrow?
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