Please read and reply to this post with your thoughts regarding these opinions I've found on the internet:
"This could have ALL been avoided if the left didn't abandon the values of classic liberalism (freedom of speech, thought, association...etc) to take on this new cancerous neo-progressive identity politics. How to stop Trump:
STOP, for the LOVE of GOD, STOP peddling identity politics. Trump voters – working class people – despise it. They know what you’re doing – it’s obvious.
STOP treating ethnicity, gender, sexuality and religion as a proxy for class warfare; you are trying to displace them by creating a new under-class and stoking ethnocentrism, gynocentrism and tribalism for the purpose of manufacturing a new electorate and a globalist governance that NO-ONE wants.
STOP speaking about groups, start speaking about individuals (you know, actual liberalism).
Stop polarizing ALL debate. Just because you aren’t rabidly pro-feminism, it doesn’t make you a misogynist. Just because you aren’t rabidly in favor of the EU, it doesn’t make you a fascist. Just because you don’t support black lives matter, it doesn’t make you a white supremacist. Just because you don’t support SSM, it doesn’t make you a homophobe.
STOP pushing mass third world immigration for the purposes of creating a new electorate that will vote for you in the future. They know what you’re doing. Every group in US is opposed to mass third world immigration that further depresses wages down and decreases social cohesion. Even Hispanics are opposed to mass immigration, and are more conservative – on a policy basis – and religious than white males.
STOP preaching cultural relativism; if you oppose something for one identity, oppose it for ALL identities. Murder doesn’t suddenly become more acceptable because the perpetrator is Islamic; sexism doesn’t become more acceptable because the perpetrator is female; racism doesn’t become more acceptable because the hatred is being spewed at white men.
Get it? Until all of this STOPS, until we start to assign rights and responsibilities at the level of the individual and not the group, until all of the incessant shaming, self-loathing and guilt-tripping subsides, this will get infinitely worse."
- Reddit User